A new ultrasound group in the heart of London.

Principal Investigator
Kirsten Christensen-Jeffries, PhD
MRC Career Development Award Research Fellow
Senior Lecturer in Healthcare Engineering
Kirsten leads the Super Resolution Imaging group in the QUIIN lab. Her background is in super-resolution ultrasound imaging for quantitative and functional imaging of microvascular associated diseases.

Principal Investigator
Laura Peralta Pereira, PhD
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Lecturer in Physics & Engineering of Medical Ultrasound
Laura leads the Ultrasound for Imaging & Material Characterisation group in the QUIIN lab. Her background is in advanced ultrasound methods for screening, monitoring, and interventional guidance.

Principal Investigator
Antonios Pouliopoulos, PhD
Lecturer in Therapeutic Ultrasound
Antonis leads the Focused Brain Interventions group in the QUIIN lab. His background is in therapeutic ultrasound, targeted drug delivery into the brain, treatment monitoring techniques, and clinical translation of focused ultrasound.

Research Associate
Paul Dryburgh, EngD
Paul works with Dr Laura Peralta-Pereira on the development of coherent multi-transducer ultrasound (CoMTUS) to improve the field of view and resolution in clinical ultrasound. Previously, he worked on ultrasonic characterisation of materials, measuring their crystal orientation and elasticity by laser ultrasound.

Research Associate
Jaime Parra Raad, PhD
Jaime works with Dr Kirsten Christensen-Jeffries on developing 3D super-resolution ultrasound imaging techniques. Previously, he worked on characterising anisotropic materials using ultrasound shear waves, designing ultrasound phased array and electromagnetic probes, and optimising control strategies.

Research Associate
Christopher Payne, PhD
Chris works with Dr Antonios Pouliopoulos on the development of an ultrasound mediated paediatric brain tumour therapy using drug-loaded thermosensitive liposomes. Previously he worked on developing minimally invasive, image-guided therapies for the brain using magnetic particles.

PhD candidate
Yi Li
Yi's research focuses on physically-informed learning-based beamforming for multi-transducer imaging.
Primary supervisor: Dr. Laura Perlalta Pereira
Secondary Supervisors: Prof. Andrew Reader & Prof. Jo Hajnal​

PhD candidate
Tieming Liu
Tieming works on photoacoustic monitoring of ultrasound-mediated brain tumour treatment. Previously he worked on developing a dual-frequency ultrasound transducer array for superharmonic imaging.
Primary supervisor: Dr. Antonios Pouliopoulos
Secondary supervisor: Dr. Wenfeng Xia

PhD candidate
Daniel Lock
Daniel works on the clinical use of super-resolution ultrasound imaging, investigating micro-scale tissue morphology to characterise tumours.
Primary supervisor: Dr Kirsten Christensen-Jeffries
Secondary Supervisor: Prof. Mengxing Tang, Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London

PhD candidate
Victoria Stomberg
Victoria is developing optogenetics-mediated, non-invasive deep brain stimulation using bioharmonophores delivered to the brain using focused ultrasound for treatment of depression.
Primary Supervisor: Dr. Periklis Pantazis Imperial College London
Secondary Supervisor: Dr. Antonios Pouliopoulos

PhD candidate
Yuang You
Yuang works on the development of advanced nanodroplets as a contrast agent for multi-modality brain tumour imaging, including super-resolution ultrasound, MRI, fluorescence, and photoacoustic imaging.
Primary supervisor: Prof. Maya Thanou
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Secondary supervisor: Dr. Kirsten Christensen-Jeffries

Postgraduate student
Nana Luo
Nana is working on ultrasonic neuro-immuno-modulation for the treatment of depression. ​
Primary supervisor: Dr. Antonios Pouliopoulos
Secondary supervisor: Dr. Alessandra Borsini
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience

Undergraduate student
Irfan Habib
Irfan is working towards a numerical simulation of the temperature rise within the focal volume during transcranial ultrasound therapy in the brain.​
Primary supervisor: Dr. Antonios Pouliopoulos